Ideálny pre školy, kliniky a laboratória.
rozsah vlnových dĺžok: | 320nm~1000nm |
spektrálna šírka pásma: | 6nm |
spracovanie údajov: | Microprocessor |
presnosť: | +/- 2nm |
opakovateľnosť: | +/- 1nm |
optický systém: | Grating 1200 Lines/mm |
Stray Light: | Less than 0.5% T (at 340nm and 400nm) |
displej: | 3 1/2 digit LCD |
fotometrický rozsah: | 0 to 2.5A |
0 to 100.0%T | |
0 to 1999C (0 to 1999F) | |
Didymium Filter: | kalibrácia vĺnovej dĺžky pri 529nm +/- 2nm |
nastavenie nuly: | automatické |
presnosť: | +/- 1% T |
posun: | menej ako 0.003 A za 1 hodinu |
detektor: | Silicon photodiode |
zdroj svetla: | Tungsten halogen lamp, 6V 10W |
objem vzorky: | 0.4ml (minimum) |
kyvety: | Round and square cuvette |
Data Output: | Analog output, RS-232C interface, Printer (Optional) |
príkon: | 100-240VAC, 50/60Hz, Selected automatically |
rozmery: | 330 x 130 x 270 mm |
váha: | 5.0kg |
cena od: 0.00€
Ideálny pre biochemické, analytické laboratória a medicínsky výskum.
rozsah vlnových dĺžok: | 190nm~1100nm |
spektrálna šírka pásma: | 1.0nm |
Wavelength Display: | Readable to 0.1nm |
Wavelength Accuracy: | ±0.5nm(with automatic wavelength correction) |
Data Bunching Interval: | 1nm |
Wavelength Reproducibility: | ± 0.1nm |
Stray Light: | Less than 0.05% (at 220nm and 340nm) |
Photometric Range: | Absorbance: 00.3~3.0Abs |
Photometric System: | Split-beam Optics, Dual detectors |
Photometric Accuracy: | ±0.002Abs. at 0.5Abs. ±0.005Abs. at 1Abs |
Photometric Reproducibility: | ±0.002Abs at 1.0Abs. |
Baseline Correction: | Automatic |
Wavelength Slew Rate: | About 5000nm/min |
Light Source: | 6V 10W Tungsten halogen lamp and D2 lamp |
Monochromator: | Modified Czerny-turmer type with 1200 limes/mm holographic grating. |
Auto Zero Function: | By a single stroke of Soft key |
Display Graphic: | LCD 6", adjustable viewing angle and contrast control |
Detector: | silicon photo-diode |
Sample Compartment: | Automatically rotative 8 position cell holder |
Interface Ports: | RS-232C and Centronics ports |
Power Requirements: | 220-240VAC, 50/60Hz |
Dimensions: | 514(W) x 243(H) x 430(D) mm |
Net Weight: | 16.0kg |
cena od: 0.00€
The compact easy-to-use SP-8001 for measurement at wavelength range 200-1100nm is a highly versatile split-beam UV-Vis Spectrophotometer that provides performance features found in many other more expensive instruments. On-board application modes include photometric, spectrum, time scan, kinetic, and quantitative as standard. Optional programme packs to expand instrument functions including quick and easy quantification of DNA, proteins, etc can also be available upon request. The membrane keyboard plus a large backlit 320x240 LCD screen provides user-friendly interface for data entry and display of full information of measurement and test result. RS232C and centronics interfaces for data output are equipped as standard.
cena od: 0.00€
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